Friday, October 21, 2016

Book: Keep Searching for Blue Jays

From Author, Barbara Chevalier comes a true story about strength and courage.

Synopsis:  Upon arriving home to a crime scene, Barbara Chevalier’s youngest son, Bryan has been taken via air ambulance to a trauma hospital after according to police, an “accident” happened in the home. She finds out a few hours later, Bryan was shot at point-blank range in the chest and back with a 9 mm. Her despair becomes boldness as she asks God to spare her son. She receives signs along the way that she has never been alone throughout this ordeal. God hears her every prayer. 3-1/2 days later Bryan is brought out of his medically-induced coma and taken off the ventilator. For the next hour and a half, Bryan conveys his experience of the afterlife, God, Heaven, judgment and many other insights. Barbara’s “Doubting Thomas” and “Wicked Witch” syndrome kicks in and she thinks this is a nice, warm, fuzzy-feeling story! Until Bryan remembers the seemingly cryptic message God told him to tell his mom that would change both of their lives forever.


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